Is it possible to cure cancer using household items? According to this report, a couple of cancer survivors, weary of using conventional cancer treatment, was able to cure their disease using basic kitchen staple: baking soda.
Although the remedy requires in-depth testing and research, baking soda does possess healing properties because it is highly alkaline. Since malignant cells cannot thrive in a highly alkaline environment, this household item may be an effective remedy for cancer.
It is amazing that two cancer victims cured themselves with baking soda topically for skin cancer and internally for prostate cancer with molasses as a delivery substance for the baking powder.
At first, Kyneret Azizo’s mother resisted, but Kyneret, a respected writer and advocate of natural remedies, had read of people curing their skin cancer by applying simple water and baking soda, bicarbonate of soda, not baking powder.
But after three surgical procedures resulted in the cancer returning worse each time, the mother yielded to Azizo’s urging.
She mixed the baking soda with pure cold pressed organic coconut oil instead of water. She knew that coconut oil has skin cellular regenerative powers and figured the oil would be an effective adjunct for the baking soda.
The only pharmaceutical Azizo used was Polysporin Triple 3 Antibiotics applied at night. Just about any other antibiotic ointment can be used as a precaution against bacterial infection occurring within the open wound from the tumors demise. I’m thinking that colloidal silver soaked cotton would work as well or better
Image courtesy of: Like_the_Grand_Canyon
Photo By Neilwill