Beam Ray Rife Machine

beam-ray-rife-machineIs the Beam Ray Rife Machine the best machine for you?

There's a lot of choices out there when it comes to 'rife machines' so it's really important to choose carefully.

If it sounds too good to be true - it probably is.

The "Beam Ray Machine" was originally an instrument designed by Philip Hoyland, who was Rife's engineer in the 1930's. Royal Rife and Philip Hoyland started a company together called the Beam Rays Corporation. The 1938 Beam Rays Corporation instrument, which never really made it into 'production', is by far the most misunderstood of all of the known Rife Instruments.

To complicate the story further an instrument that was originally called the "Bio Ray" a few years back changed it's company name to The Beam Ray Corporation.

Is there a connection between this company and the historical company started by Philip Hoyland and Royal Rife in the 1930's?

Absolutely not. No connection at all...

One thing for sure is that the currently available machine called the "Beam Ray" is not a replica of the 1938 Beam Rays Corporation machine which is now known fair certain to have worked due to the exact mathematic relationship between Radio Frequency (RF) carrier wave and the Audio Frequencies that were pulsing it. The result is not just the two original frequencies but also a cascade of sidebands both higher and lower than the RF carrier. The sideband frequencies can be thought of like harmonics - but they are very specific!

An example is this...

If the RF Carrier is: 1,000,000 Hz and the low (audio) frequency pulse is 500 Hz:

  • 1st Lower Sideband 1: 999,500 Hz
  • 2nd Lower Sideband 2: 999,000 Hz
  • 1st Upper Sideband 1: 1,000,500 Hz
  • 2nd Upper Sideband 2: 1,001,000 Hz

Royal Rife's engineer (Phillip Hoyland) figured out that he could *hide* the working MOR frequencies in these sidebands and the operator of the machine wouldn't even know which frequency was actually working. As you can see from above if the true MOR (kill frequency) was the lower sideband #2 it would essentially be encrypted - the user couldn't possibly know if it was this one or any of the other sidebands. After all in the 1930's the spectrum analyzer which would show these sidebands hadn't even been invented.

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In the 1930's Rife was primarily using the higher 'Radio Frequency' waves and it wasn't until the FCC issues of using radio frequencies in electrotherapy were set forth to prevent interference issues when broadcasting the early 1900's AM talk radio evening shows.

I believe this was partly due to the simple fact that AM radio works better at night - this lead to a banning of use of electrotherapy instruments between the hours of 7 am and 11 pm. At the time electrotherapy instruments were quite common and beginning to interfere with AM radio.

When this became an issue in the late 1930's it appears Rife's engineer Phillip Hoyland began to explore the use of the lower audio frequencies in an attempt to get out of the AM Broadcast band - but he always used a RF carrier wave which was a higher frequency. In other words he increased the frequency of the RF Carrier to get above the AM Broadcast band.

Due to the higher cost John Crane is known to have sacraficed the Radio Frequency carrier altogether which began a spawning of a new generation of very 'cheap to build' audio only frequency generators which were often using codes to hide actual frequencies. Little did they know that the TRUE working frequencies had been hidden from them decades earlier by Phillip Hoyland.

One thing that is really important is to know the frequency range the machine you are considering. You'd be surprised how many manufacturers try to hide this particular feature behind codes which represent 'secret' frequencies.

There is no more time for secrets when it comes to Rife's technology - that's why we have given away the Rife Report for years and now you'll even get our exclusive DNA Frequencies when you subscribe to my Rife group on this page.

I've got a lot more information to share with you on Royal Rife Technology. Get to know me and...

Find out what frequencies Royal Rife was actually using when he figured out how to eliminate cancer with electronic frequencies.


You'll know the original frequencies that Rife used in all his different machines were (including the famous 1930's machines) so you know what to look for in a "Rife Machine" if you choose to go that route.

The three important factors to look for in a frequency generator if you choose to invest and research with this technology

Why is there so much confusion over square waves vs sine waves and what this all means to you NOW.

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7 comments on “Beam Ray Rife Machine”

  1. Hello,

    Please tell me how do I subscribe to your Rife group? Unfortunately I can't find any place on this page where I could subscribe to it. I would like to find out what frequencies Royal Rife was actually using when he figured out how to eliminate cancer with electronic frequencies.. I also would like to find out the original frequencies that Rife used in all his different machines please.

    I live in South America, Ecuador and before I invest in any of the expensive frequency machines I would like to get some real education. I would like to use the machine to heal the local indigenous who can not afford health insurance nor going to doctors.

    Thank you in advance for your kind help.


    Keira Gillis

    You wrote: "There is no more time for secrets when it comes to Rife's technology – that's why we have given away the Rife Report for years and now you'll even get our exclusive DNA Frequencies when you subscribe to my Rife group on this page.

    I've got a lot more information to share with you on Royal Rife Technology. Get to know me and…

    Find out what frequencies Royal Rife was actually using when he figured out how to eliminate cancer with electronic frequencies.


    You'll know the original frequencies that Rife used in all his different machines were (including the famous 1930's machines) so you know what to look for in a “Rife Machine” if you choose to go that route.

    The three important factors to look for in a frequency generator if you choose to invest and research with this technology"

    1. Hi Kiera,
      I don't have a facebook group if that's what you are asking about but you can subscribe to get my exclusive reports here on this site.
      You can also contact me on the live chat and I can help you out with specific questions you may have.

    1. It's actually not an x-ray tube when it has noble gases in it. The noble gases allow the tube to be an antenna to broadcast the frequencies from the oscillator without x-rays.
      Please contact me through the emails for more info direct contact is definitely another option.

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