A new generation of modified crop - called fragmented RNA crops - may cause infertility. The extra RNA is supposed to prevent insects or pests from reproducing by shutting down their essential genes.
However, RNA interference may also affect human health. Studies show that DNA fragments from consumed food could enter the bloodstream while plant RNA passes through the intestinal barrier. The effects of plant RNA in insects may be replicated in human beings, one of which includes mass infertility.
GMO scientists just created “doomsday crops” containing RNA fragments that intentionally cause mass infertility
(Natural News) As advocacy against “conventional” GMO crops continues to grow, it comes as no surprise that the biotech industry has been doing its best to develop a new way to modify crops. One of the top concerns about current modification techniques is the transgenic component — which allows crops to be engineered to produce different proteins that would repel pests or be toxic to insects. Understandably, many people have drawn attention to concerns about the safety of consuming such proteins. Activists have long noted that these engineered proteins used to kill insects could be toxic to humans as well, or at the very least, spark allergic reactions in some people. And it seems that GMO scientists have realized that they cannot win the fight when it comes to transgenic crops: People don’t want them.
But, unfortunately, they’ve come up with a new type of GMO crop: fragmented RNA crops. As Ralph Bock, a director at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology in Germany explains, “The objections to transgenic proteins involve concerns about their possible toxicity or allergenicity to humans, but with the RNA interference strategy there’s no protein that is made, just some extra RNA.” Bock also co-authored a study on the new GMO crop strategy.
The purpose of the fragmented RNA in these newly modified crops is to disable insects, by either inducing death or infertility. When pests consume crops engineered with RNA fragments, the RNA interference literally causes the insects’ essential genes to shut down.
Supposedly, this somehow makes them “safer” for the environment and less harmful to humans. However, the idea of “shutting down essential genes” is really quite alarming, leading many people to question if these RNA-engineered crops will cause infertility in humans.
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