Pathogenic Priming: What Is It and Why Your Life May Depend on This


No matter which side of the fence you're on with the short studies that have been done on these new shots for Corona the curiosity of how they will react in your body is a big concern. In case you haven't heard of this term "pathogenic priming" here's the important info that could save your life.

So what is pathogenic priming?

To begin answering this question this title from a Pubmed study is appropriate: "Pathogenic priming likely contributes to serious and critical illness and mortality in COVID-19 via autoimmunity" but this title still doesn't quite explain what pathogenic priming is.

What we are talking about is a systemic inflammatory response that can result in full body skin rashes, convulsions and other serious complications when an injected individual is exposed to a wild form of the virus. It's important to keep in mind that the studies that have been done with these two emergency authorized shots did not include what's called a "challenge trial" (typically done in animal trials) where individuals from both the group that got the shot and the control group are exposed to the wild virus to see if there is a protective effect or not.

The bottom line here is this is a serious type of "Auto-Immune" response which ironically is the type of reaction these shots were designed to create, just not on the magnitude we are seeing.

Since they skipped animal trials on these "emergency" authorizations (rather stupid) they avoided the problem that happened in previous attempts at a corona shot where the challenge trials have been plagued with this effect called "pathogenic priming" causing systemic inflammation and death in some of the animals.

..challenge of mice given any of the vaccines led to occurrence of Th2-type immunopathology suggesting hypersensitivity to SARS-CoV components was induced. Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.

To get deeper into this subject I'll quote from Childrens Health Defense:

In the development of vaccines against coronaviruses like SARS-COV-1 and MERS in the early 2000’s, researchers found evidence of a serious problem. Teams of U.S. and foreign scientists vaccinated animals with the four most promising vaccines. At first, the experiment seemed successful as all the animals developed a robust antibody response to coronavirus. However, when the scientists exposed the vaccinated animals to the wild virus, the results were horrifying. Vaccinated animals suffered hyper-immune responses including inflammation throughout their bodies, especially in their lungs.

This issue is well known. Early in the COVID-19 scenario, Dr. Peter Hotez, of Baylor College of Medicine, testified before Congress about the dangers of accelerating coronavirus vaccine development, saying  “(The) unique safety problem of coronavirus vaccines” was discovered 50 years ago while developing the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine.”

He went to register that this “‘paradoxical immune enhancement phenomenon’ means vaccinated people may still develop the disease, get sicker and die.”

You may have heard the term "cytokine storm" and this is the type of effect we are talking about here. It's a "storm" of inflammatory response through the animal (or human in the case of this global human clinical trial on new shots which is currently ongoing). Exactly where this hits the individual can depend a lot on the health of that particular individual but we are talking about serious neurological disorders including but not limited to paralysis, convulsions, etc.

You may have heard that 4 individuals in one of the human trials before emergency authorization was granted ended up with Bells Palsy which is a syndrome involving paralysis of one side of the face.

But what other types of reactions can this pathogenic priming result in? If you haven't yet seen these videos be prepared these are pretty serious and as far as I know these have mostly come up in the past week or two. These are real people that trusted these were safe and now you can see what they are facing.



Here are a few examples:

Now that the visuals are clear you might be wondering how common these reactions might be?

Personally I don't feel any of these types of reactions are acceptable and consider this a violation of the Nuremberg treaty.

But these reactions are not the only thing that is happening as a result of these shots. While it's somewhat anecdotal and the care home is claiming that they had an "outbreak" right before the shots were given - The Commons on St Anthony in Auburn New York which is some sort of elder care home with approx 300 residents had no deaths from corona until they started delivering the shots and now have had 24 deaths!

Over a period of less than two weeks since December 29, Mulder relates that 24 coronavirus-infected residents at the 300-bed nursing home have died.

Is the timing just a strange coincidence?

Read Mulder’s article here.

This is the penultimate paragraph of Mulder’s article, where vaccinations at The Commons is mentioned:

The nursing home began vaccinating residents Dec. 22. So far 193 residents, or 80%, and 113 employees, or less than half the staff, have been vaccinated. The nursing home plans to do more vaccinations Jan. 12.

And those are not the only deaths being reported. The unfortunate part is that the adverse reactions and deaths that are being reported are largely only reported by the media but NOT being reported to the VAERS (vaccine adverse events reporting system) which was setup by congress in 1986 when US President Ronald Reagan indemnified vax manufacturers against liability.

Image courtesy of: AndrewDallos

Luckily the media is at least reporting on these events with these new shots. Such as this report:

The reports may indicate that common side effects from mRNA vaccines, such as fever and nausea, may have led to deaths in some frail patients” says Sigurd Hortemo, chief physician at the Norwegian Medicines Agency.

The agency reports:

“As of 14 January, 23 reports of deaths have been reported to the adverse reaction register. The figures in the report itself include the thirteen reports that have been assessed by the Norwegian Medicines Agency and the National Institute of Public Health. The other messages are being processed.”

The information that is coming in about this grand human experiment is frankly a bit overwhelming. Considering the discussion going on about the very limited benefits these shots even claim to deliver (unknown protective effect if any?, no known protection over 8 weeks, etc.) and the amount of adverse reactions that are coming up there's only one thing fairly certain - this shot is like playing Russian Roulette and the only question is how many bullets are in that gun.

Reporting on this will continue as more data points come in.

Please share your thoughts in the comments below and if you've found this helpful share it on all the censorship free platforms that are still online.

And thanks for reading.


Pathogenic Priming reference:

Challenge Trials reference:

Norwegian Death Reference:

Featured Image Photo By Nathan Reading
Bells Palsy Image courtesy of:
Cytokine Image courtesy of: quapan
Norway Image courtesy of: AndrewDallos


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9 comments on “Pathogenic Priming: What Is It and Why Your Life May Depend on This”

  1. This is great info. I have a question. How many of the 24 people that died at The Commons received the Covid Vaccine?

  2. Very well said and backed up. We are living in a time when Dr Gates is getting his goal, population reduction. I adjourn anyone who is even slightly thinking that they need this vaccine to keep studying these articles and don't do it.

  3. What is happening is truly frightening, but the mainstream media, in Canada, is saying NOTHING about the numerous adverse reactions or deaths. There was some mention regarding the blood clots caused by the AstraZeneca shots in Europe, but the general message is: the benefits far outweigh the risks.
    The 'common narrative' - fully dispensed by the mainstream media, all levels of government, all officers of health, and all the doctors interviewed on TV - is that the 'vaccines' are "safe and effective, and as many people as possible must be vaccinated as soon as possible." Canadians, by and large, are trusting and compliant, and are 'lined up like sheep' to be vaccinated. Very few seek any information outside of the mainstream media. If you suggest 'alternative information,' people can get quite hostile.
    Even seemingly intelligent people have 'bought the common narrative'...

    1. I include this story because so many reports I hear of ADR's seem to be third, fourth or more hand: hearsay, basically. But I am seeing first hand, the devastating effects that the AZ shot can produce. My friend's wife: slim, formerly fit and active 53 year old, own business - within days of receiving this unlicensed concoction, housebound and most days unable to even get out of bed, due to severe pain in just about every joint in her body, paralysis in one arm, which now appears to be spreading to her other arm. Been suffering this way for three months now. No end in sight. NHS doctors seem uninterested but admit it 'might' be an adverse reaction to the shot. And the BBC occasionally brings out the red herring of blood clotting - littering their pathetic commentary with 'very rare'. Not quite so rare: The lady I refer to has had time on her hands since being at home and losing her business. She's spent it contacting old friends. One of whom is in hospital, receiving treatment for clotting and bruising appearing all over her body, since receiving the same vax. Add that to the 1,400 deaths (within SEVEN days, not 28,) from this unlicensed garbage, and it is anything BUT 'Safe.' Update: After pleading with the NHS doctor for an appointment with a specialist, the earliest available slot was 21st September - a two montrh wait, in agony. In desperation, she decided to pay privately, and was seen by a specialist at a private hospital on Saturday. He diagnosed rhuematiod arthritis, triggered by the shot. She is effectively, damaged for life. Sure, it can be 'controlled' and she'll be able to live something approaching a normal life... but her business is gone forever, and it's highly unlikely she'll ever be able to do any physical work again. Looking on the UK Column Yellow Card reporting site, (sourced from statistics,) I see 238 cases of the same devastating condition. Bearing in mind the MHRA's admission, four years ago, that onl roughly one in ten ADR's are ever reported, that's a hell of a lot of lives devastated... to protect against THE FLU! I'm waiting to see if the MHRA - who are supposed to be monitoring ADR's and following up, actually do their damned JOB - or simply carry on sweeping all ADR reports under the carpet.

  4. I’m terrified that people believe that this is still about a virus!!! When people are dying and censorship is rampant and Bill Gates is referred to as the most powerful doctor on the planet by Twitter and google aka Mark Zuckerberg, we should be very afraid of where this is taking us.

  5. I am seeing, personally, what the Pfizer jab can do to someone. My husband had the jab and two days after, started having pain in his wrists, palms and lower arms. That was two months ago. Since then, he has not been able to get REM sleep, which has caused him to be emotionally and mentally unstable.

    His doctor said he doesn't believe it is because of the shot, which he pushed on my husband. I tried telling him, numerous times, of how people were being affected, even dying. But he got it because there are two family members he wants to see. Both reside in assisted living homes. He still has not been able to see them.

    No amount of Aleve will stop the pain. He can't work with his hands, like he used to.

    Two nights ago, my Granddaughter called me crying because she was having upper body convulsions. I prayed for her and then had her drink water and do breathing exercises. She finally calmed down enough to go to sleep. I don't know if this was caused by the shots, but she had two in May.

    We have a friend, who has suffered from leg pain ever since getting the Moderna shots. His dog died last month. I read where people's pets are dying if their owners had the shots.

    I am convince this is a hostile plan to glean the world population. There is so much pain and sorrow caused by these, and now they are talking about giving them to small children, who never suffered from Covid.

    We have to take a stand and get the word out there. We know the truth. I'm sending information to my daughter, who has said she will get the shots, if she finds out she can't be treated by her clinic.

  6. Your husband should get a D dimer test. D dimer is a degeneration small protein fragment present in the blood after a clot is degraded. Most ultrasounds won’t show micro clots. The concentration of the D dimer in your blood alerts Doctors to clots. Its determined by a blood test to help diagnose thrombosis or on coming strokes. Blood clots are one of the first side-effects that were noticed in these vaccines

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